Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Don’t Mix "Felling sad " With "Depression"

Your friend misunderstand you . A car drove past the mud splashed all over you. It's a bad day, but it’s only one day. However, depression, which affects one in 10 Americans, doesn’t go away with a flip of the calendar. Its symptoms usually persist for two weeks or more and typically do not subside without treatment. Unfortunately, most people do not realize that depression's symptoms aren't as simple as “feeling sad.” Whats more, every person experiences depression differently, and some may experience more symptoms than others. That means that far too often depression goes unrecognized, and those affected by it are forced to suffer in silence.

So , if  you are depression ,please be careful,Itis difficult to know if what people feel is a result of depression or due to a sleeping disorder or maybe some kind of physical condition, such as hypoglycemia, a thyroid issue or some other sort of hindrance. People may think they are depressed but really be fighting something else and not know it. We also hold in a lot of emotions and that takes a lot of energy, thus drains you. The term depression is sort of like saying your sick...which covers a thousand different conditions. Pinpointing it is not easy. My definition of it is simply a fatigue of the spirit no matter the cause. It is a very deep seeded sadness that comes from nowhere it seems...but I don'agree that taking pills is a solution. Awareness and realizing that your thoughts are just thoughts and not to trust them is the best way to deal with it.


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