Tuesday, June 16, 2015

5 Amazing Uses for Coconut Oil

The uses for coconut oil really do seem to be endless–here's a list of some of our favorite tricks for using coconut oil in the kitchen and throughout the home.

1. Make a DIY body scrub: Mix a combination of sugar and coconut oil together to create a moisturizing and exfoliating body scrub.
2. Polish furniture: Spruce up tired looking wood with a rub of coconut oil. To use, clean the surface with a damp cloth, then rub some coconut oil on with a clean rag in a circular motion. Let sit for 10-15 minutes to absorb into the wood, and then buff.
3. Remove makeup: Rub a little bit of oil onto your clean finger and dab on your eyelid. With a tissue or cotton ball go back over the eyelid to remover eye makeup.
4. Bake a flaky pie crust: Instead of butter or shortening in a pie crust, try cutting in coconut oil. "Cut it in until the flour mixture is powdery," says All You Food Director Beth Lipton. "You just have to be careful to cut it in way more than butter or shortening, otherwise it will make holes."
5. Restore dried out leather: Leather can get worn and dry over time, but coconut oil works as a leather conditioner to keep it supple. Wipe the surface with a damp cloth, then rub a small amount onto the leather in a circular motion. Follow with a buff from a shoe brush or a clean cloth.


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