Tuesday, August 4, 2015

How You Know You Are Spiritual Depressed ?

I love the woowoo. I live in the woowoo, and I have also been in a place where I resent the woowoo.

And, you know what? As spiritual beings in spiritual circles, we can often feel shame about feeling frustrated, depressed or angry with the woowoo. No one is talking about how we can get "spiritually depressed."

What does spiritual depression look like?

You are conducting your spiritual practices, and you feel a sense of emptiness
You are walking your journey, and you don't seem to be getting what you desire
You are feeling discouraged, frustrated, and depleted
You keep turning inward and searching for the acceptance and love in the situations of your life, and yet it feels as if things are not moving
You strive for a positive attitude, and still nothing
You feel hopelessness (this is extreme spiritual depression)
You might be in distress: physical, financial, in your relationships

I consider myself a spiritual leader, midwife and a renegade. I have a community who looks to me for support and guidance, and I have been spiritually depressed. I'm also hearing this from individuals of all walks of life who are leading what we would consider a spiritual life. They, too, feel like their faith "needs" to be revitalized.

Have you been asking yourself these questions, "Why am I not happy? Why am I not getting what I desire? Why am I not more at peace in my life? I have what I want and why am I still not happy?"

When you feel really disconnected and you are spiritual depressed, your life force is lowered. Low life force means that you don't focus on creating the life you desire. You are just focusing on getting through the day.

Some of these "depressed feelings" are because of the energetic shifts that are happening on the planet now. That's good to know, and if you are like me, you want an action step, something new to do, because you know you have big things to do on the planet and being spiritual depressed isn't supporting you, your life or your service plan.

The old tools that you have been utilizing (gratitude, law if attraction, praying, etc.) don't seem to be altering the spiritual depression. I don't have all the answers. I do have some starter steps to revitalize your connection to the Divine and your life force.just like your need to use Two Day Diet Losing Weight Fast to keep lose your weight , you also need take some good tips to sove this problem.

Steps to help you move through spiritual depression:

Take a vacation.
I know this one is going to sound counter intuitive, but stop your sacred practices (just for a couple of days). Stop trying to fix what’s wrong (because you are whole and complete) and give yourself a mini vacation, so that some new awareness can occur. There are some strict rules for a mini vacation. Your vacation gets to be life-affirming. So do things and be around individuals who make your heart sing. This means avoiding those daily addictions: food, TV, social media, etc. It is amazing what we use to numb ourselves.

Find a mentor/coach/healer (a really good one!).
Sometimes, we just can’t see the forest through the trees. A good support member is going to guide you in the right direction, not tell you the answers... and, when we are in a spiritual depression, we might be looking for someone to tell us the answers. Trust me. Even when someone does, it is not truly satisfying, and the relief is short-lived. I’m not recommending that you read 100 books or go to 100 different healers. I’m suggesting that you set the intention (I know, I’m asking you to trust the woowoo once again), and the right resource for you will appear.

Get back to nature.
We are inundated with information all day long. And most of it can cause feelings of separation. We get up, we go to our jobs, we come home, and we do it all again the next day. Getting back in touch with nature allows us to reconnect to something that is much bigger than us. It allows us to be in the joy and connection of the circles of life that are always changing and always present. We know that spring follows winter.

For once, make it all about you.
Recently, I had a conversation with a friend of mine about an article in Time magazine on happiness. It was all about focusing on the little bits of happiness. So here’s a question to ask yourself, "What will create a feeling of happiness right here, right now?" Is it a cup of tea or listening to the sound of the birds or playing your favorite music? When we are focusing on the present moment, we are not participating in the loop in our heads about what we don’t have and how we should fix it; we are not re-telling the story that the Divine has abandoned us and we are not enough. We are creating energetic bands of happiness that, like a rock dropped in a lake, create more circles of happiness within us.

Once you have noticed that you are moving out of your depression (and you will move out of it... trust me on this), then I suggest you ask yourself, what new relationship would you like to have with the Divine and what sacred practices would support this new, healthy relationship?

Friday, July 31, 2015

Looking At Yourself In The Mirror

Do you feel demotivated after looking at yourself in the mirror due to your weight? Well, you are not alone! The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation along with Trust for America's Health recently released their study about adult obesity percentage in the United States. The study found that around 30 percent of adults in the United States are Obese.

Obesity has been related to heart diseases, stroke, cancer, diabetes, and several other health issues in the past. Now, according to one report published in the American Journal of Public Health, obesity is killing at-least one out of every five Americans. The study also suggests that overall 18 percent of Americans die due to Obesity related diseases. So, reducing that fat is definitely as important as reaching office on time. Japan Lingzhi Slimming Formula will be a good choice for you .

Are you planning to take steps that can reduce your weight quickly? Here are some tips that can help you get rid of five pounds in the next seven days.

Several people gather will power, time, and resources required to lose 10, 20 or even 50 pounds within a month's time. But they end-up with just frustration due to lack of proper planning.

This may not sound true, but you can reduce considerable weight in just seven days by simply changing the way you do certain things in your day to day life.

During the first seven days of your struggle for weight loss, your body will start getting rid of bloating, perhaps, some toxins and excess water. But, even getting rid of these substances will give you that winner like feeling.

Eating pattern, sleeping pattern and exercise pattern is something that you should focus on. Here are some points that may prove helpful in-order to lose at-least five pounds in seven days.

Eating pattern

In order to keep hunger at bay and maximize fat burning, you should make sure that you are eating during the appropriate time frame.

Most importantly, never go for exercising with an empty stomach. You can eat snack before exercising. After coming back from workout, eat snack consisting of carbohydrates rich food items. Try to eat within 45 minutes from the time when you finish exercising.

Some people eat two heavy meals and one snack throughout the day. This is definitely not the appropriate way of eating. Experts recommend people to eat breakfast within one hour after waking-up from sleep, and then go for quick snack after three hours form breakfast.

Eat lunch during afternoon, then after three to four hours, go for quick snack. Keep gap of three hours and eat your dinner. Experts also recommend people to keep gap of three hours between dinner and bedtime.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

A Brand Nerver Shy Away From The Apotlight

Never a brand to shy away from the spotlight, Lululemon is making headlines again. But it's not new yoga pants landing it in the news: The mega yoga company is now venturing into the craft beer market, debuting a brew ever-so-aptly named,'Curiosity Lager.
The beer (which reportedly features lemon drop and chinook hops, for all you beer connoisseurs) will be the official beer of SeaWheeze, Lululemon's annual half marathon and yoga event next month, and will be made by Vancouver-based company Stanley Park Brewing. Unfortunately, you'll have to jump the border to get your hands on one—the limited-edition run of 88,000 cans will be exclusively sold in Canadian liquor stores, according to CBC News.
But Lulu may be after your guy more than you. "Just because you're a yogi, doesn't mean you won't have an occasion for beer, and we're certainly interested in talking to that crowd," said Doug Devlin, director of marketing for Stanley Park Brewing. "I think Lululemon, by extension, is interested in talking to a more male beer-drinking crowd. It's a nice way for each of us to take what it is we do to a new consumer." The insight makes sense considering Lulu's continued menswear push...but hey, we like beer too! 2 Day Diet Weight Loss Supplements can also do .

Plan In Advance

There are a lot of things that we take control of in our day-to-day lives. Choosing to bike or carpool to work, picking out an outfit in the morning, selecting one coffee shop over another (and that's just before 9 a.m.!). And while you may think your personal mission to lose weight is just that—entirely reliant on your own choices—the truth is that there are a whole lot of external factors outside of your control that affect your personal journey.

External factors have an equal (if not greater) impact on America's growing waistline. Your chance of becoming obese increases by 37 percent if your spouse is obese, 40 percent if your sibling is obese, and 57 percent if one of your close friends is obese.

That's where Harvard researchers Walter Willett, M.D., and Malissa Wood, M.D., authors of the new book Thinfluence, come in. According to Li Da Diet Pills Willett and Wood, taking control of your personal food environment can help set the stage for a healthier weight. Whether it's inside your home, in your immediate neighborhood, or in your community as a whole, the foods you surround yourself with play a major role in how you manage your weight— no matter who you're interacting with in the process.

The good news? You can take things into your own hands in your own home, and the steps you take toward a healthier home food environment need not to be extreme. Check out four simple food environment "home improvements" from Thinfluence that you can make today:

Ditch the sugary soda: Sure, you may hear this all the time and think it's simple, but for some households, ditching the sweet stuff is easier said than done. According to a 2012 Gallup Poll, nearly half of Americans drink soda daily, despite knowing that it's anything but beneficial for their health. There are loads of low- or zero-calorie drink alternatives (check out these belly-flattening drinks) that'll make you forget why you loved soda so much in the first place.

Banish bad foods to the back: Instead of making the extreme move to completely clear out all indulgences from your pantry or refrigerator, simply move the more "dangerous" snacks to a less convenient area. According to Thinfluence, "knowing that the less-healthy snacks are still available may help make the switch seem less restrictive, but you will also know that a healthy option is always close at hand."

Out with the white foods, in with the brown: And we're not just talking rice, either. Whole-grain pastas, wheat breads, and brown rice are more filling and nutritious than their white counterparts and also provide more nutrients with your meals.

Capitalize on your free time to set yourself up to succeed: Plan in advance. Put together Tupperware containers of veggies, fruits, and protein snacks
http://www.lidadaidaihuaweightloss.com that you can simply pick up and take in the morning (instead of grabbing a worse choice later on). Taking the time to sort things out helps minimize excuses for not choosing wisely when it comes to nutrition.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

5 Ways To Give Yourself a Break

If you could re-energize, ease stress, and boost your willpower in just 10 minutes, would you do it? Who wouldn't? By simply taking a break, you can reap all those benefits and more. For instance, did you know a rested mind is more likely to stick with healthy habits?
So stop what you're doing, and turn off your phone (but not before you finish this article).
Here are five ways to make it happen.
1) Go ahead, try it. Taking breaks is useful, not wasteful.
When you return to what you were doing, you'll be more refreshed and ready to dig in. Better focus and attention will lead to better results, too.
2) Estimate your own battery life. When you schedule your day, consider when your body and brain will need a reboot.
Say you're working on a big project. Schedule a break for every 2 hours of focused attention. More frequent mini-breaks may be even better.
3) Take a hike. Head outdoors for a walk. Movement isn't only good for your waistline. It also helps shed stress. Hush your cell phone. Let nature be your soundtrack.
4) Cut the cord. Constantly checking email after you leave the office? How about when you're on vacation?
Letting work interrupt your personal time isn't good for your mental health or your personal relationships. Take time to separate from the office and relax. After all, is the email really that important?
5) Get away, often. It's a fact: People who take vacations have lower stress, less risk of heart disease, a better outlook on life, and more motivation to achieve goals.
It doesn't have to be 2 weeks in Europe, either. Just 24 hours away, and you’ll reap the benefits.
Even better, the biggest boost in happiness comes from planning the vacation. You can feel the effects up to 8 weeks before your trip. you should using Chinese Bee Pollen at the same time .And when you're done with that retreat, start planning the next one. Simply having something to look forward to can be rewarding.

Poison Ivy, Oak and Sumac Rashes,You Should Treated Safely

Itchy, blistering rashes from poison ivy, oak and sumac are common and are caused by an oil in the plants called urushiol.

Usually, you can deal with these rashes at home, the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) says. But you should go to the emergency room immediately if you have any of the following symptoms:
  • Trouble breathing or swallowing,
  • The rash covers most of your body, you have many rashes or blisters, or the rash develops anywhere on your face or genitals,
  • You develop swelling, especially if an eyelid swells shut,
  • Much of your skin itches, or nothing eases the itch.
If you don't have any of these symptoms, you can probably treat the rash at home, according to the AAD.
If you know you've touched poison ivy, poison oak, or poison sumac, immediately rinse your skin with lukewarm, soapy water. This may remove some of the oil from the plants. Thoroughly wash all the clothes you were wearing when you came into contact with plant. The oil can stick to clothing and cause another rash if contaminated clothing touches your skin.
You also need to use warm, soapy water to wash everything that might have the oil on its surface, such as gardening tools, golf clubs, leashes and even your pet's fur.
Avoid scratching, which can cause an infection. And, leave blisters alone. Taking short, lukewarm baths with an oatmeal preparation you can buy at a drugstore, or with one cup of baking soda added to the water, can help ease itching. Short, cool showers may also help.
Other ways to relieve itching include putting calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream on your skin. Applying cool compresses may also help ease itching. Make a cool compress by wetting a clean washcloth with cold water and wringing it out so that it does not drip.
Antihistamine pills can also reduce itching, but use them with caution, the AAD noted. Do not apply antihistamines to the skin. Doing so could worsen the rash and itch, the AAD said.
See a doctor if the rash does not improve within seven to 10 days, or if you think you may have an infection.
This is all about to help you skin , if you want to keep your figure , just try 2 Day Diet Slimming Tea .

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Regular Exercise Can Counteract Sodium's Negative Effects On the Brain

While the debate about its effects on blood pressure and cardiovascular disease rages on, a study found that high levels of sodium intake paired with low levels of physical activity had a negative impact on cognitive abilities.
For the study, Canadian researchers followed the physical activity and sodium consumption of 1262 participants, ages 67 to 84. The participants were placed into three groups: low-, mid-, and high-sodium intake. The most significant changes were seen in participants with low physical activity levels; people with lower sodium intake paired with lower physical activity levels showed slower cognitive decline than participants with high sodium levels and low physical activity.

Happily, this is a reversible curse: The study, published in the journal Neurobiology of Aging, discovered that regular exercise can counteract sodium's negative effects on the brain, as well as the cardiovascular system.

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