Tuesday, June 16, 2015

How Jim Keeps Losing!

Jim is a big fan of 2 Day Diet Fast Diet Challenges. Now she down 59 pounds and feeling great,Jim is here to let you know how she lost the weight and is keeping it off!

When we last interviewed 2daydiet.me our super slimmer was down 26 pounds and primed for better days.

After bearing down and burning off another 33 pounds for a grand total of 59, Jim is just three pounds from her goal weight.

But more importantly, she's miles away from the tired and bloated old Kim.

2013 was a banner year for Jim. Not only did she enjoy weight loss success, but she also grabbed the top prize in our Fresh Start All-Star Team Challenge.

And if that weren't enough good news, in 2013, Jim became "the sexiest grandma" in Michigan when her oldest daughter gave birth.

"I really got rolling," Jim tells me. "I switch it up frequently so my body can't get used to a workout. I'm even working out with a weighted Hula Hoop!"

Jim finds exercise inspiration on the 2daydiet.me office site . She turned up the heat and started doing more cardio after seeing others enjoying success that way.

"I was reading the blogs and noticed that's what people who were dropping a lot of weight were doing," she says.

"The 2daydiet  Challenges have played a major role in my success. I participated in all three this year. I even started a few of my own at work!"

Other lifestyle changes include "water, water, water" and a cutback in alcohol.

"I used to take a cooler out on the boat. Now I only drink on special occasions."

And how has losing 59 pounds affected Kim?

"I don't feel so self conscience when I am out and about -- I even went to the beach in Florida. I wore a tankini but next time I will be in my bikini!"

Jim is happy with her weight loss, but she knows she needs to work more on her toning.


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